Globoforce in the News * Global Recognition in a Recession

Globoforce and our CEO, Eric Mosley, have been much in the news lately as companies seek ways to motivate employees in this recession.

Just yesterday, The New York Post cited Eric and our client Thompson Reuters in Tools of Engagement: Employers Seek Ways to Motivate Workers Drained by the Downturn:
“Such recognition programs raise morale by simply spreading goodwill from one employee to another, says Eric Mosley, president of Globoforce, which hosts the rewards programs for Thompson Reuters, Procter & Gamble, and a rapidly growing number of others.

“Unlike bonuses and raises, which come once a year and are generally awarded by supervisors, recognition rewards can come at any time and are usually awarded by co-workers. Thomson Reuters has its program set up to reward employees when they go above and beyond the call of duty or model company values, says Robert Talmas, who runs the program. Although his company gave out both raises and bonuses in 2008, it wants employees focused on their work goals rather than all the uncertainty in the air, he says. And the rewards foster direct engagement as well -- winners are handed their recognition certificates by senior managers."

Premium Incentives Products also reported on our advice for creating effective global recognition programs in Charting a Course: Navigate Your Way to Global Employee Engagement.
“Traveling down the road to global program development can be a bumpy, complicated and huge undertaking. That's why many global program experts believe that, first and foremost, the beginning step requires an overall vision: to create a global recognition culture, not just another recognition program or platform.

“Creating such a culture begins with what one recognition expert calls a key best practice: ‘Remembering that people are people, no matter where they are all over the world,’ said Eric Mosley, CEO of Globoforce, a provider of global strategic recognition solutions. ‘Successful global programs start from the premise that a company wants to treat its employees equally and to have one single goal for penetration of recognition around the world,’ he explained. ‘That culture of recognition builds on the traction of an equal number of thank you's and rewards happening in each country—multiplying them—and links them to things that are meaningful to constituents around the world.’

“But that's just the starting point. From here, you need to cater your program to each individual cultural nuance. ‘If you start at this point, the global program issues to be resolved predominantly revolve around understanding the culture of all these different employees, where they live, what's important to them, what would motivate them, and how you interact with them,’ Mosley explained.”

What are you doing to raise morale and productivity among your global teams during this recession? Tell me in comments.

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