Diffusing a Negative Environment * The REAL First Step to Recovery

I thought I’d read just about every possible angle on jobs, employee loyalty, retention strategies, rehiring strategies, etc., as the economy improves. I was wrong. Last month, the Wall Street Journal offered a new twist: “Coping as a New Hire at a Dispirited Firm.”

The article is targeted to the new employee walking into the typical workplace devastated by layoffs, etc., during the recession. Advice includes “keep a level head,” and “stay neutral and positive.” This is solid advice to the new hire entering a tough environment, but what about advice for the leadership of that company to diffuse the negative environment itself?

Times were tough and are slowly getting better. Management in many companies made difficult decisions and executed those decisions -- some well, many poorly. The results of those actions certainly left dispirited employees in their wake. But if companies are now positive enough to begin hiring, then they MUST do something to reinvigorate the atmosphere of the workplace for those still there.

There is no easy or quick way to do this. Open, honest, direct and personal conversations -- as groups and between individuals -- is a critical step. Just being able to hire more bodies won't help companies return to past levels of profitability and productivity. They must also restore employee sentiment, attitude and morale.

2 comment(s):

At August 15, 2010 4:11 AM, Laura Schroeder said...

So true. Also the people who lived through the rough times are bound to be suspicious of the new people - it's only natural. I couldn't agree more that if things are good enough to start hiring again, there's much more to be done to turn things around than just bring in new people.

At August 15, 2010 8:33 AM, Derek Irvine said...

Good point, Laura. There is so much to consider as we begin to emerge from the recession.