How to Realize the Results of Recognition

In working with some of the world’s largest and most complex companies, we’ve found that there are five key employee engagement practices. When these are fully understood by management and implemented across an entire organization, the social architecture of your company will change into one in which your employees feel validated, valuable and appreciated.

1. Know Your Workforce – Understand what motivates your employees culturally and psychologically, what satisfies and dissatisfies them. Set a benchmark of their current level of engagement to understand the extent of your “psychological contract” with your employees today.

2. Build Confidence in Your Leadership and Your Corporate Strategy – Invest in your managers to ensure they have the leadership skills necessary to buy into your company’s vision and values, communicate them in a relevant and compelling way, and consistently and authentically demonstrate the values in their own management style.

3. Inspire to Achieve Greatness – Appropriate and consistent recognition inspires the workforce to do more and do it better. Recognition done right can communicate a company’s strategy, vision and values while rewarding behaviors that reinforce them.

4. Communicate Often – Frequent program communication raises awareness, increases participation, boosts performance, and most importantly, helps develop a culture of appreciation.

5. Build a Culture of Appreciation – A strategic recognition program ensures everyone has the means, opportunity and reason to say “Thanks,” both formally and informally. This boosts your employees’ “psychic income,” not just their monetary income!

Do you know what your employees want and need? Do you know their level of engagement today? Are you confident that managers across the company can consistently deliver the same message, reinforce the company’s values, and demonstrate them daily? Do the majority of your employees even know what the company’s values are (without looking at the poster on the wall)? Do people in your organization thank each other for a job well done? Can they do so across geographic and language barriers? Do they even want to?

These are all critical questions. Tell me, what’s going on in your company today?

In my next several blog posts, I’ll discuss the common mistakes we’ve seen companies around the world make in trying to accomplish the above five critical tasks.

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