Operational Excellence and Recognition

One of our five Strategic Tenets of Recognition is Securing Executive Buy-In and Setting Strategic Goals. The key point of this tenet is that historically, global strategic initiatives are managed using a process – except recognition. Globoforce is setting a new ambition for global strategic recognition. We strongly recommend our clients implement strategic recognition based on operational excellence practices.

Known by many names, operational excellence programs primarily began during the quality improvement movement with initiatives such as Six Sigma, total quality management and the like. Now, operational excellence guidelines are applied far beyond the walls of manufacturing into multiple industries and nearly all functional areas of a company.

Regardless of the program name or structure, the goal of operational excellence initiatives is to help business leaders achieve strategic goals through a clearly defined and focused process. Six Sigma’s DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) methodology is one that is commonly understood. These types of process-based systems have been proven to produce significant bottom-line results.

During the next few posts, I’ll be blogging about recognition and operational excellence practices. I’d like to hear how operational practices are managed in your company. Are these programs applied in your organization beyond quality programs? Have you seen the value of these programs?

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